The Dragon Pearl

The Dragon Pearl is a 2011 family film that follows the story of two teenagers who meet in China to encounter a real live Chinese dragon, and also discover the mystery behind the whereabouts of his all powerful pearl.

When teenagers Josh Louis Corbett and Ling Li Lin Jin join their respective parents, Chris Sam Neill and Dr. Li Wang Ji on an archaeological dig in China they encounter something trapped beneath a temple beyond their wildest imagination. A real live Chinese dragon. Two thousand years earlier, to defend his kingdom, the dragon lent an emperor his all powerful pearl. Instead of being returned the pearl was buried with the emperor beneath his palace, and helpless without its source of power the dragon has remained entombed ever since. With the Dragon Pearl buried on the excavation site, Josh and Ling implore their parents for help, but met with disbelief the children realize they must nd the pearl on their own. However theres one who does believe them archaeologist Philip Dukas Robert Mammone, who wants to seize the pearls awesome power for his own sinister ambitions. The only way to stop him is for Josh and Ling to get to it rst and return it to its rightful owner.Dragons are legendary creatures that appear in the myths of many cultures. In the West, European dragons are depicted as reptilian or serpentlike creatures that breathe fire.citation needed The Chinese dragon is completely different. Chinese dragons are benevolent creatures that give emperors their power and are representative of all the forces of nature. In many representations of the Chinese dragons, they are shown pursuing the elusive flaming pearl, the symbol of all power and knowledge. ........

Source: Wikipedia